Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Using a Mini-Trampoline For Exercise and Fitness - Safety Considerations

!±8± Using a Mini-Trampoline For Exercise and Fitness - Safety Considerations

More and more people are using mini-trampolines as exercise and fitness tools, making it ever more important that people know how to use a mini-trampoline safely and without injuring themselves. While these mini-trampolines may resemble the larger ones that you may have played with as a child, it is important to understand the differences between them and the safety precautions that need to be taken when using a mini-trampoline for exercise and fitness.

One of the reasons for learning how to use a mini-trampoline safely is that this exercise and fitness equipment will allow you to make better use of it in your workout and enhance your benefit your workout. Most mini-trampolines cost anywhere from fifty to three hundred dollars, making it a fairly affordably piece of equipment. Some of the exercises that can be performed on a mini-trampoline are rebounding exercises. These exercises are excellent for strengthening the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems as well as increasing the strength of your bones. You will not be able to fully enjoy the benefits of these exercises if you do not understand safe mini-trampoline use, as it is difficult to exercise if you are injured.

The most common cause of injury when using a mini-trampoline for exercise and fitness, is falling off the trampoline. While studies conducted at the Columbus Children's Hospital in Ohio show that the injuries sustained when falling off a mini-trampoline are not as severe as those from falling off a regular-sized one, the likelihood of falling off either is the same. Injuries that result from falling off a mini-trampoline can still be serious, and may include sprains and broken bones.

Safe mini-trampoline use can be achieved in many ways. The first thing you should do is to cover up the edges of the trampoline, including the springs on the end, thus avoiding the possibility that your feet will become caught in the springs. You should also check your mini-trampoline regularly, paying attention for any signs of tears or loose threads, as it is more likely that you will be hurt while using a used and worn mini-trampoline than while using a new or properly maintained one.

The next precaution that should be taken is that you should only use your mini-trampoline in an area with a high ceiling, away from any ceiling lights or fans.

You should also place an exercise mat beneath your mini-trampoline. This will help to cushion the impact should you happen to fall off the trampoline and will also stop the trampoline from moving around on the ground.

You can also obtain a rebound bar for your mini-trampoline, which is a bar that can be installed to aid you in keeping your balance while you use the mini-trampoline to perform exercises and jumps.

Finally, when your children are using the mini-trampoline, an adult should always be present to supervise them. Children are much more likely to fall and hurt themselves while using a mini-trampoline than adults are. You must therefore ensure that you take the proper precautions before allowing them to use the mini-trampoline for exercise and fitness.

Using a Mini-Trampoline For Exercise and Fitness - Safety Considerations

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

► ReboundAIR - PART 2 Rebounding for Kids: The Best Rebounder Mini Trampolines

www.reboundair.com The Best Rebounders on the Planet since 1977. We are the founders of Rebounding and deliver the best high quality rebounders on the planet! Join Reboundair for the ultimate rebounding experience! The long awaited Rebounding for Kids is finally here! Rebounding for kids is one of the greatest things kids could do to stay in shape and start building those muscles! Order Today www.reboundair.com We have 3 models to choose from: - The Ultimate Rebound™: Quarter-Fold Rebounder - ReboundAIR: Half-Fold Rebounder - ReboundAIR: Standard Rebounder More info: www.reboundair.com Check out our website for reboundair weight loss tips and all the nutrition needs. Follow us on facebook and get the rebound exercise you need! Al Carter's ReboundAIR was reviewed by Fox News. Learn to love to exercise with a reboundair!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sunny Health & Fitness 40" Foldable Trampoline with Bar

!±8±Sunny Health & Fitness 40" Foldable Trampoline with Bar

Brand : Sunny Health & Fitness
Rate :
Price : $68.93
Post Date : Nov 22, 2011 20:46:29
Usually ships in 1 to 2 days

Rebound Exercise is the therapeutic movement on the mini-trampoline. Because it moves all parts of the body at once we can also call it a cellular exercise. As an exercise it is superior to any other because it not only uses gravity but also two other forces, acceleration and deceleration. As a therapy it is as beneficial as massage or reflexology, since the whole body is involved, it is truly a cellular exercise. Rebound Exercise fulfills all four requirements of effective exercise: Strength Aerobic capability Flexibility Endurance. The greatest benefits of more vigorous exercise is the increase of oxygen. Increased oxygen helps us burn more calories, destroys toxins, gets rid of bacteria and fungus and stimulates cardiovascular health

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Benefits of Skipping

!±8± Benefits of Skipping

skip-hop have produced skipping workout and skipping workshops programs, carefully designed to improve your levels of fitness, agility, coordination and general health. If you think about it, can it be a coincidence that almost all professional sportsmen and women use skipping as part of their daily workout routine.

Physical benefits of skipping

Skipping will help improve cardio-respiratory (heart and lungs) fitness (or stamina), flexibility, co-ordination, balance, rhythm and symmetry. It is both aerobic and anaerobic. It can be a high-impact exercise and is therefore an extremely efficient way of building bones and toning thighs, hips, calves and gluteus maximus (bottom). Jumping increases levels of calcium, thus helping to prevent osteoporosis. The Osteoporosis Society recommends 2 to 5 minutes of skipping every day to help prevent osteoporosis. For more information regarding skipping and osteoporosis visit the skip-hop website

Mental benefits of skipping

A high level of coordination is needed to be able to skip to a reasonable level. To skip for a continuous period without stopping requires cross-lateral ambi-dexterity and a very high level of fitness. Both sides of the brain, both sides of the body. So, as you will read, statistically, skipping burns twice as many calories as walking. But equally important is the fact that it is a serious laugh. It makes you feel like a young kid again. I defy any one to start skipping without spontaneously breaking into a smile. For more information regarding skipping health benefits for the brain visit the skip-hop website

What are the benefits of skipping over jogging or running?

Unlike running or jogging, where the arms move sympathetically to the the rest of your body and have no need to be clenched, extended or retracted, skipping is approximately 40% upper body and 60% lower body activity. By introducing your arms, you are engaging biceps, triceps, deltoids, chest and almost all the muscles in the upper body as well as the obvious muscle groups associated with the legs. The benefit is low impact on knees, hips and ankles and a more noticeable impact on lungs, heart and muscles. By introducing any of the hundreds of different skipping tricks, i.e. pretzels, crossovers, side-swings etc, almost all the other muscle groups are automatically and instantly engaged, thus producing the benefits of an all-over workout.

Is Skipping Hi or Lo impact?

Skipping can, of course, be regarded as a high-impact exercise but when executed correctly, should be more medium to lo-impact. The better you become at skipping, the more economical your movements will be. But don't be fooled! Moving your arms less does not make it any easier to sustain a constant skip. It simply means you are beginning to utilise the correct muscles.The key is to jump very low, just enough for the rope to travel under the feet. For a straightforward skip, this means minimizing the movement of the arms and to make the pivotal point the wrist. By doing this, the arms and shoulders are given the benefits of a severe workout simply by clenching the muscles in order to turn the wrists, simultaneously keeping your arms in exactly the right place.

Skipping to burn Calorie

Skipping burns calories/energy. It develops a more efficient energy system, benefits which will allow the body to burn off more fat and calories when engaging in other forms of exercise. Professional footballers, boxers, swimmers, skiers, tennis players, martial artists, rugby players and many more, enjoy the benefits of skipping as part of their daily workout routine to improve stamina, footwork skills muscle tone and to lose weight. Skipping is also a great protector against Childhood obesity.

Skipping Benefits - The Stats

Calories burnt during a skipping workout

slow 60 - 80 turns a minute per 10 minute session 

70 kcal for women 100 kcal for a man

fast 80 - 120 turns a minute per 10 minute session

110 kcal for women 150 kcal for a man

These are approximations as many factors have to be taken into account: weight of person exercising and exertion level.

Skipping at a rate of 120 turns a minute would be around the same as running at 6 miles per hour.

Summary: Burn Rate

Depending on your weight and exertion level you'll burn between 70-110 extra calories in a ten minute skipping exercise session.

1 hour of skipping, at speed would result in a loss of between 600 and 900 calories. WOW! But believe me, that is one incredible workout.

Benefits of Skipping

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Role of Rebound Exercise in Weight Loss

!±8± The Role of Rebound Exercise in Weight Loss

Rebound exercise is an effective and time efficient way for nearly everyone regardless of age to achieve their fitness, health, and weight loss goals. Following a balanced diet and rebound exercise program will keep you progressing toward your optimal weight and prevent disease. Setting up a rebound exercise schedule isn't time consuming! Ten minutes a day is sufficient to bring forth desirable results over a period of time. Maintaining a rebound exercise routine promotes relaxation, lessens stress, and tones up your body parts and muscles. If you're not used to rebound exercising, then keeping your workouts simple may be the best strategy starting out to lose weight. Before you begin, though, be sure to get examined by your doctor and get his approval after explaining to him how you intend to incorporate rebounding into your overall fitness routine. There are a variety of simple rebounding exercises that you can do to lose weight and improve your health. For example, gently bouncing up and down (aka "the Baby Bounce") creates pressure changes in the body that stimulates and circulates every body part and function. You can also add to your workout common aerobic exercises such as the "Knee Lift" which can be done slowly or at a sprint without jarring your body. Then there is the "Side Swing" where kicking out side to side helps to strengthen the waist while tightening obliques, hips, and outer thighs.

The main thing to remember when on your rebounder is to do exercises that you will enjoy and hold your interest which meet your doctor's approval.

Regular undertaking of some simple exercises on your rebounder can go a long way to helping you find the ideal weight given your age, height and sex. But the benefits of rebounding go beyond assisting you in attaining your weight loss goals. Bones, muscles and joints can be built up and maintained. Your energy levels can also increase which will help you drop unwanted pounds. Plus, you can carry out your activities and pursuits with much more effectiveness. So begin today and start looking and feeling better by exercising on your rebounder.

The Role of Rebound Exercise in Weight Loss

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